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July 13th 12pm-5pm
Sgŵar y Frenhines / Queen’s Square, Wrexham


Paallam International Spirit Fest is a two-day, free, family-friendly dance and movement art festival featuring a series of spectacular outdoor dance performances in the heart of Wrexham. International Spirit Fest is an annual series of high-quality events produced by PAALLAM ARTS to celebrate artistic excellence locally, nationally, and internationally, along with the cultural vibrancy of the city.

Mae Gŵyl Ysbryd Ryngwladol Paallam yn ŵyl ddawns a chelfyddyd symud sy’n gyfeillgar i deuluoedd am ddau ddiwrnod gyda chyfres o berfformiadau dawns awyr agored ysblennydd yng nghanol Wrecsam. Mae International Spirit Fest yn gyfres flynyddol o ddigwyddiadau o ansawdd uchel a gynhyrchir gan PAALLAM ARTS i ddathlu rhagoriaeth artistig yn lleol, yn genedlaethol, ac yn rhyngwladol, ynghyd â bywiogrwydd diwylliannol y ddinas.

A Message from the Producer

“We are committed to creating access to high-quality dance performances for the community. SPIRIT FEST ‘24 creates a unique opportunity for communities to engage with dance in an open setup and interact with the artists in a friendly environment. We are keen on building an interest around dance and movement art, and this takes us one step closer to our mission.”

– Krishnapriya Ramamoorthy

Go-See & Participate Opportunity for Schools

On July 12th, at Ty Pawb, SPIRIT FEST offers students to learn new skills and watch a Welsh dance production exclusively produced by the North Wales Dance Collective CIC with the support of the Arts Council of Wales, Conwy Council Borough, and more. 


Festival Line Up

11:45am - 12:15pm
2:45pm - 3:15pm
4:30pm - 5pm

Fool's Paradise

1pm - 1:30pm

Ayodhana Kalarippayattu Gurukkul

Ayodhana Kalarippayattu Gurukkul - A Kalarippayattu Gurukkul based in Bangalore, India, fires the stage with their breathtaking demonstration. The highly skilled artists team of four demonstrates various elements of Kalaripayattu with fierce and rigor. Prepare to be enthralled as Ayodhana Kalaripayattu Gurukul's showcase the awe-inspiring Kalaripayattu performance at the Wrexham International Spirit Fest 2024. Witness a mesmerizing display of ancient martial arts techniques fused with aesthetic moves, creating a truly captivating experience.

Ayodhana Kalarippayattu Gurukkul - Mae Kalarippayattu Gurukkul o Bangalore, India, yn tanio'r llwyfan gyda'u gwrthdystiad syfrdanol. Mae'r tîm o artistiaid medrus iawn o bedwar yn arddangos gwahanol elfennau o Kalarippayattu yn ffyrnig ac yn drylwyr. Paratowch i gael eich swyno wrth i Ayodhana Kalaripayattu Gurukul arddangos perfformiad syfrdanol Kalaripayattu yng Ngŵyl Ysbryd Ryngwladol Wrecsam 2024. Tystiwch arddangosfa hudolus o dechnegau crefft ymladd hynafol wedi'u hasio â symudiadau esthetig, gan greu profiad gwirioneddol gyfareddol.

3pm - 3:30pm

WISP Dance Club

WISP Dance Club
WISP Dance Club creates a safe and inclusive environment for people living with Additional Needs aged 11+ to Dance Together. WISP has been providing Dance Experiences, Choreographic Projects and Performances for nearly 30 years. During this time, hundreds of young people and adults have joined us to expand their dance experience, increase their self confidence, build lasting friendships and have loads of fun!
Supported by a bursary from Paallam Arts our latest choreography, Together, unites our WISP+ adult dance groups.
Mae Clwb Dawns WISP yn cynnig amgylchedd diogel a chynhwysol ar gyfer pobl rhwng 11+ oed sy’n byw gydag anghenion ychwanegol i dawnsio gyda’i gilydd.Mae WISP wedi bod yn darparu Profiadau Dawns, Prosiectau Chorerograffi a Sioeau i bobl ifanc am bron i 30 mlynedd.Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, mae cannoedd o bobl ifanc ac oedolion wedi ymuno â ni i ehangu eu profiad dawnsio, cynyddu eu hunanhyder, adeiladu cyfeillgarwch parhaus, a cael llawer o hwyl! Gyda chefnogaeth bwrsariaeth gan Paallam Arts mae ein coreograffi diweddaraf, Gyda'in Gilydd, yn uno ein grwpiau dawns oedolion WISP+.
12pm - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 3pm

Osian Meilir ‘QWERIN’

Osian Meilir ‘QWERIN’ (Bach) - Charged with joy, QWERIN is inspired by the weaving and flowing patterns of traditional Welsh folk dancing, combined with the pulsating energy of queer nightlife. QWERIN is back, commenting on notions of queerness and Welshness through a contemporary dance performance that celebrates culture, identity, and community.
Yn llawn asbri, lliw a rythmau cyffrous, ysbrydolwyd QWERIN gan wead a phatrymau'r ddawns werin Gymreig, ynghyd ag egni heintus bywyd nos Cwiar. Daw QWERIN yn ôl eleni i gynnig sylwebaeth pellach ar y cysyniad o ‘Queerness’ a Chymreictod. Perfformiad dawns gyfoes sy’n ddathliad egnïol o ddiwylliant, hunaniaeth a chymuned yw QWERIN.
1:30pm - 2pm

Dance Maniax

Dance Maniac details to be added Dance Maniax hold Street Dance classes in Wrexham and Flintshire both in Schools throughout the day and evening classes within the community. Our classes allow children to develop confidence in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Our dancers train weekly and have the opportunity to perform at local events throughout the year.

Mae Dance Maniac yn cynnal dosbarthiadau Dawnsio Stryd yn Wrecsam a Sir y Fflint mewn Ysgolion trwy gydol y dydd a dosbarthiadau nos yn y gymuned. Mae ein dosbarthiadau yn galluogi plant i ddatblygu hyder mewn awyrgylch hwyliog a chyfeillgar. Mae ein dawnswyr yn hyfforddi’n wythnosol ac yn cael y cyfle i berfformio mewn digwyddiadau lleol drwy gydol y flwyddyn.

4:30pm - 5pm

Dancing Shoes

12:30pm - 1pm
4pm - 4:30pm
4:45pm - 5:15pm

The Bench

The Bench is simplistic yet captivating, mundane yet marvellous; it will leave audiences enthralled in its mesmerising complexity, possibility, and intricacy of movement on top of and around a massive park bench. One dancer begins to explore The Bench on their own. Upside down, on top and beneath - whatever they choose, the possibilities are endless. Then, they are joined by another dancer and the two of them begin to explore The Bench, together and apart.
Mae The Bench / Y Fainc yn simplistig ond eto’n atyniadol, yn gyffredin ond eto’n rhyfeddol; bydd cynulleidfaoedd yn cael eu swyno gan ei gymhlethdod cyfareddol, y posibiliadau, a chywreinrwydd y symudiadau ar, ac o gwmpas, mainc anferth mewn parc.
Mae un dawnsiwr yn dechrau, ac yn archwilio’r Fainc ar eu pen eu hunain. Ben i waered, ar ben ac o dan – beth bynnag maen nhw’n dewis ei wneud, mae’r posibiliadau’n ddi-ben-draw. Yna, daw dawnsiwr arall i ymuno â’r cyntaf, ac mae’r ddau’n dechrau archwilio’r Fainc gyda’i gilydd ac ar wahân.
2pm - 2:30pm

Hip Hop Cymru

Join us for an electrifying exploration of the vibrant world of hip hop. Witness the artistry and energy as dancers demonstrate the dynamic spectrum of hip hop culture—from routine practices to high-stakes battles. Our showcase will feature diverse dance styles and the raw, unfiltered creativity of the community.

Experience how individuals discover their identities through dance, and learn about the transformative power of hip hop. See firsthand how this culture provides a unique means of expression, helping people find their rhythm and their voice in a powerful, moving journey.
"O'r Arfer i'r Frwydr: Taith Trwy Ddiwylliant Hip Hop"

Ymunwch â ni am archwiliad gwefreiddiol o fyd bywiog hip hop. Byddwch yn dyst i’r celfyddyd a’r egni wrth i ddawnswyr arddangos sbectrwm deinamig diwylliant hip hop – o arferion arferol i frwydrau lle mae llawer yn y fantol. Bydd ein harddangosfa yn cynnwys arddulliau dawns amrywiol a chreadigrwydd amrwd, di-hid y gymuned.

Profwch sut mae unigolion yn darganfod eu hunaniaeth trwy ddawns, a dysgwch am bŵer trawsnewidiol hip hop. Dewch i weld yn uniongyrchol sut mae'r diwylliant hwn yn darparu modd unigryw o fynegiant, gan helpu pobl i ddod o hyd i'w rhythm a'u llais ar daith bwerus, deimladwy.

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